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Old 05-26-2012, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by TheRabbit
Originally Posted by bjuice

hey man I am game !....lets go a motor pass so I can feel the Mudd under my seat....take care bud...text me if anything changes I was on my way back from the chassis shop last night when I got your text...the cert ran out on the Nova and I had some upgrades done,should be ready next week.

later Bud
Will do.
I'm really looking forward to this race. Of course it'll be a new motor and the first race for me since December. And not to mention this track is the best in the country.

BTW this is a national race so you'll see the top rides that mud racing has. Sad part is there are still quit a few guys that are not racing right now.

No matter what it'll be a good time. Mud racing is made up a lot of good people / laid back ( till the helmets get put on! lol) and having a good time.

Harb and everybody else, it would be cool if you could make it!!
I always take a small grill, but would be glad to bring a big one and do some serious cooking!

BTW Maniac, I still owe you for those hot dogs you cooked for me a few years ago!! lol

Nothing like bs'ing with friends and good food at the race track!

Be nothing like all the boys there. Thanks rabbit I have studied the video a good but just to see how the truck thing I will Guarantee I will leave on everything you got but if I feel somewhere down track is moving around a feel I am not familier with I will lift.. I am there to learn not to tear Anyones stuff up.your equipment is priority to me when I am in drivers seat but in same sentence if it feels good out around the 150ft mark we will play it by ear. Always safety first and respect for your truck. I'm excited to learn,no HERO mentally here

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